Lawyer Explains Why You Should NEVER Use Self-Checkout At The Store

The Frustrations of Self-Checkout Machines

We’ve all experienced the frustration of using self-checkout machines at the store. Designed to increase efficiency and save retailers money, these machines often cause more problems than they solve. Now, there’s even more reason to avoid them.

Economic Motivations

According to Sylvain Charlebois, director of the Agri-Food Analytics Lab at Dalhousie University, self-checkout machines were primarily implemented for economic reasons, not for customer convenience. From the start, customers have disliked these machines.

Cost Savings and Malfunctions

Companies like Walmart and Target invested heavily in self-checkout machines, aiming to save up to 66% on labor costs by replacing cashiers. However, studies show that these machines frequently malfunction, often requiring human assistance to complete the checkout process.

Self-Checkout Machine

Accusations of Theft

A deeper issue involves some retailers accusing innocent customers of theft to make more money. Using self-checkout errors as an excuse, they target unsuspecting customers, forcing them to pay for alleged “crimes.”

Legal Warnings

Criminal defense attorney Carrie Jernigan recently warned about the dangers of using self-checkout machines. In a TikTok video, she revealed that big-box retailers like Walmart aggressively pursue customers who may have accidentally forgotten to pay for an item. These companies deploy their attorneys to make you pay for your “offense,” even if it was an honest mistake.

Risks of Self-Checkout

Using a self-checkout machine is risky. Retailers quickly assume guilt and will review surveillance footage to identify potential “offenders” based on the last customer who used the machine. They need minimal evidence to file charges, potentially landing you in jail for up to a year. You might find yourself fighting to clear your name and prove your innocence.

Protect Yourself

To protect yourself, avoid using self-checkout machines altogether. Opt for traditional checkout lanes where a human cashier can assist you. This reduces the risk of false accusations and ensures a safer, more reliable shopping experience.

Stay Informed and Vigilant

It’s important to be aware of the hidden dangers in our everyday lives. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and make choices that prioritize your peace of mind.

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