Stephen Hawking responded simply when asked if he believed in God.

Stephen Hawking’s Views on God and the Afterlife

Exploring the Divine

Stephen Hawking, a groundbreaking theoretical physicist, intrigued many with his ideas about God and the afterlife. Through various interviews and writings, he explored the existence of a higher power and the possibility of an afterlife.

Belief in God

When asked about his belief in God, Hawking’s response was clear. He asserted that no proof existed of a higher power and that scientific laws could explain the universe. In an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, he stated, “Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. But science now provides a more plausible explanation.”

Views on Religion

Hawking’s religious views spanned across all faiths. He believed all religions were based on faith and lacked empirical evidence. Identifying as an atheist, he expanded on his views in “The Grand Design,” co-written with Leonard Mlodinow. He argued that the universe was created by the principles of physics, not a divine creator. “Because there is a law like gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing,” he wrote. “There is something rather than nothing; the universe exists, and we exist because of spontaneous creation.”

Perspective on the Afterlife

Hawking also held scientifically based beliefs about the afterlife. He viewed the idea of an afterlife as wishful thinking. In his final book, “Brief Answers to the Big Questions,” he wrote, “No one created the universe or controlled our destiny. This brings me to a stunning realization: there is likely no Heaven or afterlife. I believe that believing in an afterlife is wishful thinking. There is no trustworthy evidence, and it contradicts all we know about science.”

Respect for Others’ Beliefs

Despite his own beliefs, Hawking respected others’ rights to their own views. “We are all free to believe whatever we want, and in my opinion, the simplest explanation is that there is no God,” he said.


Stephen Hawking’s views on God and religion were deeply influenced by his work as a mathematician and his quest to understand the cosmos through physical laws. While his perspectives differed from many, his contributions to science will be honored and remembered for years to come.

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