For a student who praised Jesus during an unscripted graduation speech, Kentucky High School blocks their diploma.

Micah Price’s Courageous Graduation Speech

In today’s world, expressing faith can meet with resistance. Micah Price, a Campbell County High School graduate in Alexandria, Kentucky, faced such a challenge. He used his graduation speech to share his belief in Jesus Christ, leading school officials to initially withhold his diploma.

School’s Reaction

After his speech, school officials informed Micah that he needed to explain his actions to the school board. They reprimanded him and temporarily withheld his diploma. “After the speech, one of the principals tapped me on the shoulder, very politely and professionally told me that I was going to have to go in front of the board and explain what I did because I went off script,” Micah shared in a TikTok video.

Sticking to the Script

The Campbell County School District allowed Micah to mention Jesus Christ but insisted he stick to the preapproved script. Superintendent Shelli Wilson explained, “All speakers were told that going off their submitted speech or making unplanned choices at graduation could have repercussions. Off-program choices could lead to consequences.”

Micah’s Stand

Micah stood firm in his beliefs. His initial script included the additional preaching, which the school removed to avoid dividing the audience. “I think it was fine that I thanked him, but urging them to follow him and urging other Christians to stand up and talk about him might be the thing they didn’t want,” he told WKRC.

Acceptance and Resolution

Despite the reprimand, Micah held no ill will toward school officials, acknowledging they were doing their job. He took responsibility for his actions, saying, “I do no one’s bidding but God. So, if anyone’s in the wrong, I am. I deserve to get punished.” After a long holiday weekend, Micah received his diploma, calling it “an answered prayer.”


Moving Forward

Set to join the US Air Force Academy, Micah remains steadfast in his beliefs and has no regrets. “Holding it is just an answered prayer, that’s all it is, just an answered prayer,” he said. Micah’s unwavering faith and courage serve as an inspiration, showcasing the power of determination and conviction in the face of adversity.

The Importance of Standing Up

In a society where expressing faith can be challenging, Micah’s story reminds us of the importance of standing up for our beliefs. His journey highlights the strength of character and the profound impact of steadfast faith, encouraging others to be bold and unwavering in their convictions.

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