If This Is Not a Miracle, Then Tell Me What It Is

In Clarksville, Tennessee, an incredible story of resilience showed up following a destructive tornado that swept through the region. Tragically, the tornado wreaked havoc on the Hol Park Mobile Home Community, resulting in the loss of three lives. Amidst the chaos, a four-month-old baby named Lord had a remarkable story of survival to share.

Sydney Moore, the mother of Lord, shared her harrowing experience during the tornado. As she shielded her one-year-old son, Princeton, her boyfriend hurried to rescue Lord, who was in a bassinet.Surprisingly, when the tornado hit with incredible strength, it swept the bassinet, with little Lord inside, into the air. It was truly a miracle that the Lord remained in the bassinet regardless of being tossed around by the fierce storm.

As soon as the tornado was over, Moore’s first thought was where her baby was among the wreckage. It’s truly astonishing what happened next — they discovered Lord perched in a tree, with a deep cut on his face. Incredibly, despite the injury, Lord managed to survive, a fact that Moore views as nothing less than a miracle. The family had to navigate through the destroyed landscape to get medical attention. Lord had a head injury and an ear injury, and the man broke his shoulder. A damaged bassinet near their home serves as a constant reminder of the family’s harrowing struggle and their resilience.

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