Gary Sinise, the actor known for his unforgettable role as Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump, is experiencing an unimaginable loss. On January 5, 2024, his son, McCanna Anthony “Mac” Sinise, passed away at just 33 years old after a prolonged and difficult battle with cancer.
Mac was diagnosed in 2018 with Chordoma, a rare and aggressive type of cancer that begins in the bones of the spine or the base of the skull. According to the Gary Sinise Foundation website, only about 300 people in the United States are diagnosed with this rare cancer each year. While surgery to remove the tumor offers a 70% chance of complete recovery, the cancer unfortunately recurs in about 30% of cases, leaving patients and their families to face the devastating reality of a relentless disease.
For Mac, the battle with Chordoma became a long, uphill fight. After initial surgery in 2018, the family was hopeful that he might fall into the majority of cases where the cancer is entirely cured. Tragically, Mac’s cancer returned in 2019, leading to a progression of complications and further battles that defined the next five and a half years of his life.