Bury a banana in the ground – it’s amazing what happens after 7 days

Bananas can act as a natural fertilizer, revitalizing even the most neglected gardens.

Why Use Bananas

Spring calls for more intensive garden care, especially after winter. Consistent fertilizing and watering are crucial. During the pandemic, growing organic produce at home became more common, as gardening is both satisfying and stress-relieving. Using kitchen waste like coffee grounds, egg shells, and fruit peels as fertilizers can save money and benefit the environment. Bananas, in particular, are excellent for this purpose due to their high potassium content.

How to Use Bananas

Using bananas as fertilizer is simple and doesn’t require complicated preparations. Whether for a garden or potted plants, just follow these steps:

  1. Make a Hole: Dig a hole in the soil or pot.
  2. Insert the Banana: Place a whole banana in the hole.
  3. Wait: Allow a few days for the banana to decompose.

As the banana breaks down, it releases nutrients that enrich the soil, promoting healthy plant growth. Potassium in bananas boosts plants’ defense systems, protecting them from diseases and pests. This method nourishes the roots, helps prevent wilting, and shields plants from cold and dry periods.


  • Fruit Plants: Enhances fruit quality.
  • Flowering Plants: Stimulates flowering.

Alternatively, you can use banana peels by macerating them in a glass jar with water before applying to the soil.

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