Individuals Reporting Odour Problems Were Astounded to Learn What Was Occurring Inside This Apartment

Shocking Discovery in Madagascar

After residents of an apartment building in Toliara, Madagascar, complained about a horrible smell, authorities had to investigate. Soary Randrianjafizanaka, head of Madagascar’s environmental agency, entered the building with local police officers and her colleagues. They obtained the necessary legal documents before entering. Whatever they expected, the reality was far worse. As they opened the door, an indescribable, horrendous smell hit them.

The Horrific Scene Inside

Inside the apartment, the team discovered thousands of radiated tortoises. The tortoises were being stored for black market trade to sell exotic and endangered species. The animals covered the floors, the bathtub, the sink, and any ledge they could find. “You cannot imagine,” Soary revealed to National Geographic. “It was so awful.”

Counting the Tortoises

No one knows exactly how long the tortoises had been there. The smell came from the mass amount of urine and feces the tortoises lived among. Soary and her team quickly started their work by counting the tortoises. They found a staggering 9,888 tortoises in the apartment. Sadly, 180 of them were dead.

Rescue Operation

Soary organized six trucks to transport the tortoises to Turtle Village, a sanctuary about 18 miles away. Over the next few weeks, veterinarian Na Aina Tiana Rakotoarisoa worked tirelessly to save the remaining tortoises. Despite her efforts, 574 tortoises succumbed to dehydration, starvation, and infection due to their deplorable living conditions.

Legal Actions

The building owner and a few other suspects have been arrested in connection to the tortoise situation. Although their specific roles remain unclear, they are guilty of housing the tortoises and aiding in the black market trade. Taking radiated tortoises from the forests is illegal in Madagascar. A treaty signed by 182 countries and the European Union bans commercial trade of the species. Unfortunately, this doesn’t deter some from trapping the animals for illegal profit.

Reporting Illegal Activity

If you ever see an exotic animal that doesn’t belong, report it to the authorities. Obtaining exotic animal licenses in North America and Europe is extremely difficult, so reporting these incidents helps stop the illegal trade of exotic and endangered animals.


We applaud Soary and her team for giving the rescued tortoises a second chance at life. We hope to avoid another heartbreaking story like this one anytime soon.

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