For this reason, people occasionally cover mirrors at night.

The Curious Practice of Covering Mirrors at Night

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Covering mirrors at night might seem strange. I thought so too until a conversation in a friend’s cozy, dimly lit living room took an unexpected turn. As someone who binges series until late, the idea of covering mirrors before bed seemed odd, almost like a scene from a horror flick.

Cultural and Superstitious Background

However, this practice has deep cultural and superstitious roots. In many cultures, mirrors are not just for checking your appearance; they are seen as portals to another realm. Covering them at night is believed to prevent unwanted spirits from entering our world. The idea of another pair of eyes watching you from the mirror can be quite unsettling.

Curious about this ritual, I did some research. Here’s what I found:

Protecting the Soul: Many traditions believe mirrors reflect our souls. During sleep, when our spiritual defenses are down, covering mirrors protects our spirits from external influences. Some say it keeps your soul from wandering into the mirror and getting lost.

Mourning Practices: In several cultures, people cover mirrors during mourning. This shows respect for the deceased, preventing their spirit from getting trapped in the mirror. It also spares the living from seeing their lost loved one’s reflection, focusing on internal grief instead.

My Experience

Intrigued by my findings, I decided to try it myself. At first, it felt odd, like acknowledging something unseen. But soon, it became a part of my nighttime routine. Whether it’s the power of suggestion or not, I found peace in knowing that, for the night, what’s in the mirror stays in the mirror. I’m not committed to doing it every night, but it didn’t hurt to try.

Whether you believe in these ideas or just want to sleep better, covering mirrors can be surprisingly soothing. It might seem strange at first, but in the calm of the night, it could make sense. Why not try it and see for yourself?

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