On a stormy night, Tara Wilson was working at a gas station when a desperate woman stumbled in, soaked and muddy. “Please, I need your help,” the woman gasped, explaining that her husband was lying unconscious after a car accident.
Mr. Anderson, the night manager, refused to help. “I’ve had enough of you derelicts walking in cadging hot food and coffee every time it rains,” he snarled. Tara, determined to assist, offered to call 911 but found the phones were down due to the storm. She decided to drive the woman to the accident site despite Mr. Anderson’s threat to fire her.
“Go ahead, fire me. But I won’t leave a man dying by the roadside,” Tara said. They found the wrecked car, and Tara drove the injured man to the hospital.
The hospital staff confirmed the man had internal bleeding and was saved just in time. “You saved their lives,” the doctor told Tara. Mrs. Smythe, the woman, turned out to be the wife of a local TV station owner.
The story of Tara’s bravery went public, leading to Mr. Anderson’s firing. Mr. Smythe hired Tara as a junior reporter, allowing her to pursue her dream in journalism. Rumor has it, Tara might soon be engaged to a young doctor she met that stormy night.